Sunday, October 17, 2010

Playin' in the Dirt

Well, today I pushed dirt around most of the day with the tractor. Yes, I'm having fun playing farmer. We had a load of sand and a load of top soil brought in and we had to get it out of the way before winter, or we would be trying to plow snow around them. We left a lot of sand for a while for Mikey, our grandson to play in, but today it had to go. No sense pushing our luck with the winter snow season right around the corner. We have had a great fall - and today was no exception. It was really beautiful outside, but. . . . . it will soon change, no matter how much we wish it wouldn't.

My parents came to visit one last time before they head out to Tucson. They are getting up there in age and I worry more and more about them driving down there. They come here for the summers.

I ran an Etsy Showcase in Pendants. Had a lot of lookers, but no buyers, yet. Maybe later. That always seems to be the case. I'm trying to get back into creative mode, but with all that's been going on at my day job, it's been too exhausting to really be in the mood. I'm determined, though. Might have to have a chainmaille class/party or something.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It's only October... don't say that awful "s" word!